Wednesday, May 6, 2009

First post

Hi there,

I'm eldritch, the webmaster of the SLA Industries website I'm still around, I just can't find the time to post new things to dnotice tho. When I find the time I sometimes poke around on the Team8 fora; recently I noticed that Chris Cotgrove's excellent Integration 20 archive seemed to be no longer around; I contacted Chris, but didn't recieve an answer till today.

Today, however, I read on Team8 that Integration 20 was still reachable via IP, so I had the idea that probably the best was to get the material from I20 as fast as possible and post it on a blog. This way there's no hassle with having to code the webpage and the posts are easily commentable by the readers.

The layout of this blog isn't finished (actually I haven't even invested any time in the layout yet), so things will change in the next few weeks design-wise, but if you're interested in posting material at this blog, please send an email to and I'll add you to the moderator team who can post on this blog.


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